Keto fail on Saturday.... this post for days 5 and 7 are coming in late.
Day 5
I had a meeting Saturday for work and I was just a bit pissed I had to attend on an early Saturday morning when I could have been attempting to sleep late.
I was not prepared and the training session offered bananas and a choice of powder donuts or chocolate donuts. I ate the lesser evil, a banana, but with a hit to my carb intake with that... 27 carbs. Come night time I was starving and ate McDonald's which gave me a double fail that evening.
I was miserable after my cheat meal.
Day 6
I lost 2.9 pounds on Sunday. If I say I was disappointed I will sound like two pounds didn't mean anything, because it does! 2 pounds down is my beginning to a healthier me!
I won't beat myself over that cheat meal. I am done take a swing at myself for a slip up.
Day 7
I am kicking ass. I am not so irritable, but Mondays are usually a drag to my life
My knee hurts less.
1... I am at a 4.
I need to be careful until after work tomorrow. I have not prepared for my meals this weekend. I need to go grocery shopping, with a list. Tonight I meal plan.
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