Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Bad And The Good

OK, I lied. I didn't prepare my lunches this week. Planning was definitely key and I didn't accomplish it. I will make another attempt next week.

I'm exhausted. Just a rough day at work.

Here's some good news. I have been drinking water. I'm mean I am back to chugging H2O and loving it. I don't miss the soda flavor, just the fizz. I've also been thinking the possibilities of how to flavor my water without adding sugars or artificial flavors. A small obstacle, because every once in a while I want a little flavor in my water.

Also, I have been drinking green tea. This is an experiment on myself. Plain tea makes me WIDE- EYED at night. My body seems to scream insomnia if I drink tea, but green tea seems to be a different story. My experiment goes something like this: Drink green tea in the morning. Effects: Energy, butt loads of energy. Today was the first time I added another glass of green tea for lunch. Effects. Energy, more needed energy. I mean if I hadn't been at work. I think I could have cleaned my home from top to bottom. I'm very tired now. I think I could sleep like a baby, but still too early for me to do some shut-eye.

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